Client: Planning Inc
Type: Marketing animations / product explainer videos

brand animation

The brief

Planning Inc positions itself as the MarTech that turns your first party data into a competitive advantage. Trouble is, it’s a fairly crowded space, with lots of competitors offering something that may sound similar-ish, but in reality, is vastly inferior to Planning Inc’s product suite. How to cut through?

Our solution

We invested significant time up front to really understanding the diversity of the audience we were talking to and nail a script that spoke to each of them without getting too specific and alienating any particular audience segment.

Then, taking into consideration how comprehensive Plinc’s website is and wanting to avoid overloading the viewer, we intentionally wrote the film as a teaser: A quick intro to plinc, outlining their proposition and putting a friendly voice to it. This gives the viewer an instantly positive experience of the brand and encourages them to engage with the surrounding information on the website (where the video sits)