Client: PRS Members’ Fund
Type: Interview film. Emotive. Documentary.

PRS Members Fund
Case study

PRS Members’ Fund was formed in 1934 to support songwriters and composers during the Great Depression. Over 80 years later, they continue to be there for PRS members and their dependants in times of crisis.

Each year for the PRS AGM we partner with the Fund to create a film to help them raise awareness about all of the important work The Fund do to help musicians in need. 


In 2023 we decided to focus on a single, high-impact story to capture the true difference the Fund can make to the life of a creator in need.

To maximise budget we worked hard to plan a single day shoot that would deliver the best content possible. We shot in and around the participant’s area and filmed them in their own space, creating music and sharing their story in a comfortable setting where they were able to be themselves.

We executed this shoot with a very small team on location to make the participant as comfortable as possible. Questions were carefully developed for a low-stress, sensitive interview and we very much followed the participants lead in terms of where they wanted to go with the story, knowing that ‘from the heart’ content is the most compelling.


Each years film is played live to members, stakeholders and press at the PRS AGM and used on The PRS Members’ Fund social media channels, raising awareness about The Fund and encouraging donations every year. The film also encourages members to apply if they need help or spread the word to those who do.